Monthly Archives: November 2024

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in Florida
The state of Florida has had a long and checkered history involving illegal substances, from bootlegging and Prohibition to the cartels of the 1980s and pill mills of the 1990s. Because of this, the state prosecutes defendants caught with illegal substances very aggressively, even non-violent defendants never before in trouble with the law. One… Read More »

Why Can’t The Victim Drop The Charges?
If you are arrested and charged with a crime of domestic violence in Florida, it is crucial that you take the situation seriously, as conviction can mean not only prison time, but a host of other consequences. In this situation, it is not uncommon for a defendant to simply try and get their alleged… Read More »

Possession With Intent To Sell In Florida
Florida law specifies several different types of drug-related crimes, one of which is possession with intent to sell or distribute (PISD). This is seen as a more severe offense than simple possession, because PISD has the potential to do more damage to society than one person indulging themselves in private. If you have been… Read More »

Hearsay In Domestic Violence Cases
When a person is charged with a crime of domestic violence in Florida, their first move should be to enlist a domestic violence defense attorney well versed in this type of case. There are many different possible defenses to domestic violence-related crimes, but many of them revolve around documentary evidence and witness testimony. These… Read More »

Domestic Violence & The “Duty To Retreat”
As of 2023, 28 U.S. states (including Florida) and Puerto Rico had laws known as “stand your ground” laws, which echo the common-law “castle doctrine” in eliminating any duty to retreat from a violent home invader. One of the areas of law where “stand your ground” is perhaps most relevant is in discussing crimes… Read More »

Is Entrapment A Valid Defense To Florida Drug Charges?
Drug crimes in Florida are prosecuted aggressively, as they are seen as crimes against society, not just against an individual. If you have been charged with possession, sale, or trafficking of illegal substances, it is crucial that you take this situation seriously, but you are still entitled to your day in court. Your attorney… Read More »