Monthly Archives: January 2025

Statutes Of Limitations & Domestic Violence Crimes
Crimes of domestic violence are taken seriously in Florida, with the law allowing additional penalties for convictions if the underlying offense has an element of intimate partner violence. However, the defendant also has the right to present their side of the story, including any defenses that they feel explain their behavior. One defense that… Read More »

Facts & Myths About Fentanyl Possession
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid, designed primarily for use in palliative care and surgery, particularly for cancer patients. However, its potency has unfortunately made it a highly-sought street drug. If you are found to have fentanyl unlawfully in your possession, you will face serious penalties under both state and federal law. That said, there… Read More »

The Consequences Of A Guilty Verdict In Domestic Violence Cases
Domestic violence is a far-too-common phenomenon, affecting at least a double-digit percentage of marriages in the United States. In most cases, a person found guilty of a crime of domestic violence will have to serve at least some jail time, plus paying fines and assorted court costs. However, there are far more potential consequences… Read More »

Is “Drugged Driving” A Crime in Florida?
Driving under the influence of alcohol is a crime in every U.S. state, seen as a crime against society rather than solely against individuals. Florida’s law is particularly serious, with jail time being a possibility even for first-time offenders. However, it is important to keep in mind that driving under the influence (DUI) applies… Read More »

Violating A Florida Domestic Violence Injunction
Domestic violence injunctions (DVIs) exist to protect alleged victims from mistreatment by their abusers. A court can grant a temporary or long-term injunction if an alleged victim can show the appropriate grounds that make it necessary, and if one is granted against you, it is crucial that you not try to contact your alleged… Read More »

Vehicle Searches & Drug Crimes
Drug crimes are by far the most common offenses in the United States, with Florida experiencing many of them simply due to its geography. Because of this, vehicle searches during traffic stops are quite common, with many officers on high alert for drugs being transported or smuggled. If you are stopped on a major… Read More »

Drug Convictions In Florida May Have Immigration Consequences
Whether possession, distribution, or trafficking, drug-related offenses are taken extremely seriously in the United States. Florida is one of the states with the harshest drug policy, imposing mandatory minimum sentences and other serious consequences on defendants. However, what many Floridians are unaware of is that drug crimes can also affect a person’s immigration status,… Read More »

Dealing With False Domestic Violence Accusations In Florida
It is a common myth in the U.S. that the majority of domestic violence and sexual assault accusations are false, made up to get attention for the alleged victim or to harm the person against whom the allegations are made. In reality, the majority of domestic violence claims are very real, and affect all… Read More »
Former Palm Beach State Attorney Dave Aronberg Reflects on the Travis Rudolph Case
Palm Beach State Attorney Dave Aronberg’s term expired on Monday January 6 at midnight. He reflects in one part of the video below about the Travis Rudolph Case and how his office was unable to gain a conviction. Attorneys Marc Shiner and Heidi Perlet represented Mr. Rudolph who was found not guilty in 2023… Read More »