West Palm Beach Burglary Lawyer
According to the state of Florida, burglary is a property crime and is defined as “entering” or remaining in a dwelling, a structure, or a conveyance with the intent to commit an offense therein, unless the premises are at the time open to the public or the defendant is licensed or invited to enter or remain. According to the law, even placing a body part, like a hand or foot across the threshold of a building or conveyance (a car, boat or any vehicle) is considered “entry.” This includes the curtilage, which is the fenced-in yard or the grounds surrounding a building.
The state must also prove that the person entering shows intent of committing a crime therein. Interpretation of whether or not intent exists is subjective. Such ambiguity can help create situations in which one could falsely be accused of burglary. Our West Palm Beach criminal defense lawyers have the experience and resources to help you with this serious offense that carries significant penalties. A burglary arrest and conviction seriously could affect a person’s life in many ways. A burglary of a dwelling charge is a 2nd degree felony and a conviction carries a fine of up to $10,000 and/or a sentence of up to 15 years in prison for each count.
Accused? Call our West Palm Beach burglary lawyers at (561) 721-0552 to request a free initial consultation.
If you are facing criminal charges, do not put your defense in the hands of just any attorney. Turn to an aggressive team who will do whatever it takes to ensure your rights and future are protected.
Why Hire Our Firm2008 Florida & Palm Beach County Statistics
- Since 2000, burglary has risen from 170,131 to 188,159 – an increase of more than 10 percent.
- There were 188,159 burglaries reported
- There were 31,468 burglary arrests
In Palm Beach County:
- There were 13,246 reported burglaries
- There were 1,778 burglary arrests
Today, the definition of burglary extends to white collar crimes, including embezzlement or extortion. Internet law, as it evolves, might also influence the expansion of this definition, as one must enter a site or domain in order to steal information.
To learn more about how our West Palm Beach criminal defense lawyers can defend you against your burglary charges, call us today.