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Are More Domestic Violence Crimes Committed During Summer?


It is considered a bit of an urban legend that crime rates rise during the summer, particularly more ‘intimate’ crimes like domestic violence. This rise can be attributed to shorter tempers, more time at home, and a host of other reasons that can lead to discord – however, some researchers and law enforcement professionals trained to deal with domestic violence crimes dispute this statement. While the proverbial jury is still out, it is important to keep an eye out for potential risk factors for yourself, either for becoming a victim or an abuser, at any time of year.

Many Reasons, No Excuses

Florida’s definition of domestic violence is any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death to a person who shared a particular relationship with the alleged perpetrator (for example, a spouse, ex-spouse, or unmarried co-parent, among others). Statistics do show that very often, the number of calls received by law enforcement reporting domestic abuse do increase in summer months, but this is not because of any inherent human characteristic; rather, the reasons cited are far more likely to be environmental in nature.

For example, the summer is the time when children are home from school and need more attention from parents; in addition, all members of a family may feel ‘cooped up’ in the house if they need to stay by an air conditioner. While not all families enjoy good relationships, even those who do may be more likely to be pushed to the breaking point by constant togetherness and potential boredom. None of this excuses any kind of violent act, of course, but these are the factors law enforcement may mention when discussing this issue.

The Responsibility Lies With You

While the statistics do show a pattern of calls spiking in the summer months during most years, it is important to keep in mind the potential reasons for this, and to know that ultimately, the decision to commit abuse rests with the abuser. The precursor set of behaviors that often precedes physical abuse is known as coercive control, where a partner or other family member of a victim will engage in emotional abuse and attempt to control all aspects of their life, without ever laying a hand on them. The point can be made that “[c]oercive control doesn’t take a vacation,” meaning that regardless of the time of year, an abuser will default to certain behaviors.

If you are accused of engaging in coercive control, or if you have been embroiled in a domestic dispute, it is crucial that you retain counsel as soon as possible, because very often, it may wind up that your word will be weighed against that of your alleged victim. While everyone loses their temper from time to time, going too far can cause serious, long-term legal consequences. No amount of blaming the heat, or the boredom, or any other environmental factor, will help you avoid consequences.

Contact A West Palm Beach Domestic Violence Attorney

It may feel more difficult to keep one’s equilibrium during the hot summer months – but ultimately, the choice to lash out or commit crimes is entirely up to the person who finds themselves charged. A West Palm Beach criminal defense attorney from Perlet & Shiner, P.A. can help to guide you through the legal process. Call our office today to speak to an attorney.



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