Florida Has Mandatory Minimum Sentences For Drug Crimes

Mandatory minimum sentences are sentences where a certain specific amount of time must be served without exception – in other words, no parole or early release for that period of time. This is common in drug cases, and while a mandatory minimum period is not normally the entire length of one’s sentence, it can still be a frightening specter for someone convicted of an offense. The right attorney on your side may be able to help you avoid this possibility.
Harsh But Ineffective
Mandatory minimums became popular during the late 1970s and 1980s, at the height of the so-called “war on drugs.” They were thought to serve as a deterrent to drug offenders, particularly those who engaged in trafficking, but in practice, they also led to long prison terms for offenders who just happened to be found with amounts barely over the minimum.
In addition, while mandatory minimums were intended to mete out punishment to each defendant equally, regardless of race or any other factor, data from organizations like The Sentencing Project reports this as not being the case. Studies show a staggering disparity between the numbers of Black and White defendants charged with crimes whose sentences required mandatory minimums. Florida is one of the few states to retain these sentences as of this writing.
What Are My Options?
A person charged with a drug-related offense in Florida may feel frightened or overwhelmed by the odds, particularly given Florida’s incarceration rate for drug offenders, who make up a higher percentage of its prison population than the national average. Mandatory minimum sentences for most drug charges will be at least three years behind bars, though those convicted of more serious felonies may see that time double, triple or more.
It is crucial to keep in mind that while it is not possible to change a mandatory minimum sentence after you are convicted, it is very possible to work hard to avoid one in the first place. Depending on the facts of your case, the right attorney can help determine your best course of action, so that you have the best chance possible at a fair outcome.
Contact A West Palm Beach Drug Offenses Attorney
If you are convicted of a drug offense in Florida, a mandatory minimum sentence may be a possibility. You need a West Palm Beach drug crimes attorney who can help to guide you through what can be a confusing legal process. The firm of Perlet & Shiner, P.A. has handled many of these types of cases, and will work hard on yours. Call our office today to speak to an attorney.