Holiday Spike In Domestic Violence Smaller Than Average

The holiday season is meant to be a happy time, but unfortunately, it winds up tragic for some families. Rates of domestic violence tend to spike during the December holidays, for a variety of reasons; however, as of this writing, 2023’s holidays appear to have passed more smoothly. Florida prosecutes these offenses aggressively, though, so if you have been charged with a crime of domestic violence, know that the consequences can be severe if you are convicted.
Easier To Explode
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) reports that in Florida, approximately 38 percent of women and 29 percent of men have been the victims of intimate partner dating or sexual violence in their lifetimes (currently, no reliable statistics exist as to nonbinary people). There are several reasons for this, and many of those reasons become even more acute during the holiday season: hospitality and hosting family, budget concerns, increased alcohol consumption and other factors can make tempers fray faster than usual.
Sheriff’s offices around Florida reported a lowered number of calls during the Christmas season in 2023, but there were still multiple incidents that resulted in serious harm. Unfortunately, it is all too easy for a domestic dispute to explode when both participants are stressed out, and even if no real harm is done, law enforcement has discretion as to whether or not to arrest someone. You may wind up being charged with a crime simply because an argument got out of hand.
If You Have Been Charged
If you have been charged with domestic violence, know that even misdemeanor offenses can result in jail time. Florida’s domestic violence law defines it as any criminal offense resulting in “physical injury or death” to a “family or household member” of the alleged perpetrator – generally, a spouse, ex-spouse, unmarried co-parent, family related by blood or marriage, and anyone who is or had been residing together as a family with the perpetrator. This wide net, so to speak, means that law enforcement has fairly wide latitude in charging someone.
Regardless of the facts of your situation, you have the right to speak in your own defense. A knowledgeable attorney can help ensure that you get your day in court, so to speak, and if evidence exists that can cast reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case, they can present it in the best light possible. One argument or mistake does not have to ruin the holidays – and your life – forever.
Contact A West Palm Beach Domestic Violence Attorney
If you have been charged with a crime of domestic violence this holiday season, the stakes are already high, and the potential costs can be significant. A West Palm Beach criminal defense attorney from Perlet & Shiner, P.A. can work with you to make certain your voice is heard and your rights are protected. Contact our office today at (561) 721-0552 to speak to an attorney.