Male Victims Of Domestic Violence

Historically, the majority of those arrested and charged in domestic violence incidents are male. However, this is not necessarily a clear picture of how the situation stands, because there are several different factors that can deter male victims of domestic violence from reporting the incident. If you are male and have been abused or victimized by your partner, regardless of gender, please know that you have the right to be free from harm, and that enlisting an experienced attorney can help you achieve a measure of safety and closure.
Men Experience Intimate Partner Violence
Every year, approximately 1 in every 9 men will experience “severe intimate partner” physical or sexual violence, or stalking. The National Council Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) estimates that 1 in 18 men have been stalked, while 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner, on the average, in each year. While these figures are lower than they are for women (and data on intimate partner rape for male victims is currently unavailable), it is nonetheless a relevant pattern of abuse that is often overlooked.
In addition to the obvious physical and emotional effects, being the victim of intimate partner violence has a tangible economic effect. Only 34 percent of domestic violence victims receive healthcare for injuries inflicted by their abusers, and with or without medical care, domestic violence victims collectively lose roughly 8 million paid work days per year. While the data does not divide these figures by gender, it can reasonably be assumed that men, proportionally, lose more work days, given that they still make up a higher percentage of the workforce in the United States (though not by much).
Have I Been Abused?
In the U.S., numbers of men abused by intimate partners are significantly lower than they are for women – and while there are societal factors that support the idea that more men commit violence against their spouses than the reverse, it is still relevant to note that there are many different factors that make it more difficult for many men to report abuse even if they are experiencing it in their everyday lives. For example, it is not at all uncommon for men to fear exposure as somehow “less masculine” if they disclose their abuse, particularly if they are in a heterosexual relationship (though gay, bisexual and transgender men have similar concerns).
It can be difficult to determine whether you have been abused simply by listening to your feelings, but Florida law on domestic violence is much more concrete; it defines domestic violence as any criminal offense that results in [the] injury or death of a family or household member, committed by another family or household member. In short, if someone in your household has injured you, you may very well have a case. Contacting an attorney to be sure is a good next step.
Call A West Palm Beach Domestic Violence Attorney
While male victims of domestic violence are less common than female victims, it is crucial to know that you are not alone, and that there are options out there that can help you feel safe. The West Palm Beach criminal lawyers at Perlet, Shiner, Melchiorre & Walsh, P.A. can offer compassionate and understanding representation while helping you through the legal process. Do not hesitate to call our offices today to speak to an attorney.