West Palm Beach Elder & Child Abuse Lawyer
The accusation of child abuse or elder abuse can carry devastating consequences. If convicted, penalties for these types of crimes in Florida can be very serious. The repercussions from such a conviction can affect the accused for the rest of his or her life. Moreover, DCF will be notified and can remove your children from your home and place them in Foster Care until the case is resolved. If you or a loved one are facing charges, contact us to protect the rights of the accused and improve chances for a good outcome.
To schedule a free initial consultation, call (561) 721-0552.
Act Quickly to Prevent Negative Consequences
Child and elder abuse cases are prosecuted very aggressively and may be subject to the most severe penalties. In addition to a jail or prison sentence, the consequences of a conviction will have a lasting impact on your life:
- You must register as a sex offender if the abuse charge relates to sexual abuse
- You may lose visitation and custody rights of your children, and endure the nightmare of DCF
- You will not be allowed to work around or with children or the elderly
- You must stay away from areas where children are often found, including schools and day care centers
- In addition, child and elder abuse convictions cannot be expunged from criminal record
For these reasons, seeking the assistance of our aggressive West Palm Beach criminal defense attorneys at Perlet & Shiner, P.A. can help you through this turbulent time. We know the law and have the resources to do a thorough investigation of your case. An experienced criminal attorney who specializes in elder and child abuse cases will have the resources to prepare the best defense possible, based on your unique situation.
Abuse Laws in Florida
Under Florida law, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and financial abuse are some elder abuse crimes that can be charged against a person. For child abuse, a person can be charged for neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse or sexual abuse. While you are allowed to spank your child, there is a fine line in what is legal spanking and child abuse. This is a complex area of the law and the issues can be very emotional for everyone who is involved. If you or a loved one has been accused of such a crime in South Florida, we are ready to offer you the most effective legal assistance possible.
If you are facing criminal charges, do not put your defense in the hands of just any attorney. Turn to an aggressive team who will do whatever it takes to ensure your rights and future are protected.
Why Hire Our FirmProtect Your Reputation! Seek the Help of Perlet & Shiner, P.A.
Your reputation can be permanently damaged by a charge of child or elder abuse. Immediately contacting an experienced criminal defense lawyer in West Palm Beach may offer you or a loved one the best chance for a dismissal or reduced charge. They will also prepare the best possible defense for trial, in the event you must face charges of child abuse or elder abuse in court.
For more information, get in touch with us today.