West Palm Beach Public Corruption Lawyer
Our West Palm Beach Criminal Defense Lawyers are Here
Although the news might focus on one or two big cases involving public corruption, more than 1,060 government employees were convicted of corrupt activities between 2004 and 2005. This includes 177 federal officials, 158 state officials, 360 local officials, and 365 police officers, according to statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If you believe you may be under investigation for charges of bribery or kickbacks, you need to retain the services of our experienced West Palm Beach criminal defense attorneys at Perlet & Shiner, P.A. as soon as possible.
To request a free initial consultation, call (561) 721-0552 today.
What is Bribery?
Bribery occurs when a government official, or anyone who conducts business on behalf of the public, uses the status of his or her position in exchange for something of value. Bribery charges can result simply from accepting a promise to offer something of value; it does not need to be received. The penalties for a conviction of bribery can include up to 15 years in prison and fines. Civil actions can also result with charges of up to $50,000 for each violation. Also, the State Attorney’s Office has a specialty unit for Public Corruption and pursues these cases aggressively, oftentimes without merit or adequate evidence.
Most projects that receive federal money are subject to rules against kickbacks. A kickback is an agreement between a government official and another party where the official agrees to direct business to the party in exchange for something of value. Both the party who offers the kickback and the official who accepts it are subject to investigation of the crime. Penalties include prison time of up to 5 years and/or fines as high as $5,000 per count if convicted. The FBI and the State Attorney’s Office has a special unit to investigate public corruption.
For passionate advocacy, contact a West Palm Beach criminal defense lawyer today.
If you are facing criminal charges, do not put your defense in the hands of just any attorney. Turn to an aggressive team who will do whatever it takes to ensure your rights and future are protected.
Why Hire Our FirmHow are These Cases Investigated?
The State Attorney’s Office has many sophisticated tools at their disposal to investigate public corruption cases, such as:
- Undercover operations
- Electronic surveillance, authorized by a court
- Confidential informants
A West Palm Beach criminal defense lawyer experienced with public corruption offenses, such as bribery and kickbacks, understands how these crimes are investigated and may be able to help you avoid arrest, reduce your charges or negotiate a lesser sentence. If you or someone you love is under investigation for receiving or offering bribery or kickbacks in Broward County, Perlet & Shiner, P.A. can help protect your rights.
Public Corruption Cases are Complex. Seek Well-Versed Legal Representation.
Cases involving bribery and kickbacks can be very complicated, which can make it difficult to prove – and to defend. The laws involving bribery and kickbacks are complex, so even innocent exchanges may be subject to investigation. To protect your rights and defend against these specialized charges, you need the experienced legal representation that public corruption attorneys can offer. Obtaining the services of a legal professional with the expertise and knowledge in these unique cases can increase your chances for a successful outcome.